Kingsley Bird & Falconry is extremely proud to be offering it’s volunteers the opportunity to gain their LANTRA Beginning Falconry Qualification. This is a thank you for all the hard work volunteers put into Kingsley Bird & Falconry Centre each year. Each volunteer chooses a young bird to train with. Sometimes, however, the bird chooses the volunteer!At the end of the course Kingsley Bird & Falconry have a fully trained bird which will become a display bird; and volunteers have a LANTRA qualification and the joy of seeing their bird fly.
Here are some of the birds currently in training:
Blade – Harris Hawk

Age:1 Years
Gender: Male
Character: Nosey, cheeky & very keen
Zeff – Black Gyr

Age: 1 Year
Gender: Male
Character: Dashing good looks, fast & shy
Jez – European Eagle Owl

Age: 2 Years
Gender: Male
Character: Trustworthy, patient & a big softy
Scooter – Tawny Owl

Age: 1 Years
Gender: Male
Character: Funny and bright