The proprietor, Gareth Lord, has over 40 years experience of working with birds. The Centre successfully breeds many species of owls, hawks and falcons annually. At any one time the centre houses a large and varied team of highly trained birds of prey.
We offer an in- depth five day falconry course, which aims to cover all aspects of falconry for beginners – particularly suitable for individuals considering owning, training and flying their own bird.
At first, the unique terminology, equipment and training used in the management of birds of prey might feel a little overwhelming. Our expert staff will guide participants through the various aspects of this pastime; with particular attention being given to the welfare of captive birds of prey.
Falconry is a constant learning process; this course will give participants excellent basic knowledge from which they can safely progress further.
Outline Programme (theory & practical)
Each day 9:30 – 15:00
Day 1
- Falconer’s knot i.e. securing birds correctly and safely.
- Picking up: approaching the bird and securing it in the hand.
- Weighing: concept of weight management, introduction of bird to scales etc. Diet: chicks, rats, quail, mice, rabbits supplements, food preparation, hygiene. Terminology: jargon busting!
Day 2
- Equipment: introduction to various items plus methods of manufacture. Gloves, bags, baths, perches, swivels, leashes, jessies, anklets, bells. Equipment fitting – tools needed & practical fitting experience.
- Hawking: practical preparation for a hunting bird of prey.
Day 3
- Housing: weathering, shed, mews, aviary. Design, materials, construction.
- Imping: feather structure, number & type, repairing, straightening,hard-penned.
- Moulting: theory, timing and important considerations during moulting period.
Day 4
- Training programme: design and implementation. Manning, weight management, tiring, jumping, creance training, flying free.
- Hunting: game licence, game seasons, permissions.
- Lost birds: loss avoidance, people to contact, telemetry, ID rings, species selection, choosing species for purpose, IBR.
- What to look for: feet, feathers, wings, eyes, with parents etc). Sources of birds.
Day 5
- Health Care: cleaning, disinfectants, parasite diagnosis/treatment, worming, injuries, veterinary care, signs of sickness.
- Condition assessment: beak shapes, talons, casts, mutes, feet.
- The law: protected species, A10’s, registation documents, DEFRA, Wildlife & Countryside Act, captive bred & wild birds of prey.
Course summary and conclusion.
Assessment is integrated into the course; a workbook is a requirement for successful completion.
Contact us to arrange to spread the training over 5 days of your choice at week-ends!
Each day 9:30 – 15:00
Cost: £750 including course materials, certificate & refreshments.
Bookings confirmed upon receipt of deposit of £150, outstanding balance due on commencement of course.
For further information or bookings Email us at or find us on Facebook Kingsley Bird & Falconry Centre.